Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Foundry's Work Therapy Program Strives to Restore Normalcy


Ramon Arias serves the president of a Bravo Corporation, a successful pizza franchise based in Birmingham, Alabama. Outside of his professional life, Ramon Arias is very active in working with The Foundry, a rescue mission and recovery center aimed at helping drug addicts and ex-convicts recover a life of normalcy.

The Foundry believes work is a valuable and crucial part of recovery, giving residents the chance to learn new skills, work towards goals, build relationships and structure, and develop discipline. The Foundry achieves this by providing multiple job opportunities to those who participate in its programs.

The Foundry owns multiple businesses they use to aid in the recovery process. The SuperThrift Outlet thrift stores provide employees the opportunity to work in a retail setting, while the group’s auto sales and service jobs train employees in everything from car maintenance and repairs, to sales. The Foundry also offers various general jobs, including food service work, administrative support, and maintenance jobs.

While the Foundry’s work therapy programs strive to help people regain a normal life, the people in the program end up helping the Foundry too. Nearly 70 percent of the recovery center and rescue mission’s budget is raised through their various work therapy enterprises.